The Legalmente Hablando Indy and Goodin Abernathy LLP attorneys successfully represented two Hispanic sisters and their children for injuries caused when a high school student driver hit them. The sisters were walking along a roadway in their apartment complex when a student ran them over. One of the sisters had a child on her shoulders and the other child was in a stroller. The driver was texting a friend and not paying attention to the roadway.

Our clients suffered serious injuries and went to the emergency room. The driver and her insurance company did not want to pay a reasonable amount for damages. The Legalmente Hablando Indy and Goodin Abernathy LLP attorneys filed a lawsuit and aggressively fought for our clients. After the insurance company understood we would not settle the case for an amount less than the damages our Mexican clients suffered, the company agreed to pay the money it owed. Thankfully our clients were patient waiting on the legal process and trusted our work. Eventually it paid off and they received settlement checks.

Many insurance companies defend motor vehicle accident claims, trying to avoid paying reasonable money for damages their clients cause. Our Latino clients depend on our experience to represent them and their immigration status does not prevent us from handling their cases.

If you, a family member or friend was injured in an accident, contact us for a free consultation. The Legalmente Hablando Indy and Goodin Abernathy LLP attorneys speak Spanish and take pride helping our Hispanic clients.