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Goodin Abernathy has several seasoned and experienced lawyers on staff who are experts in different areas of law. We’ll make sure you are properly represented.

Partners in the Board RoomThe law can be confusing, and it can be difficult to understand exactly what services you need. Our Indianapolis attorneys are here to help guide you through the often-bewildering area of law. We’ll make sure you understand and are comfortable with your case every step of the way.

Because we understand this process is complex, we offer free, no-obligation consultations to help you understand the process and the unique aspects of your case. Click here to schedule a time to meet with our team.

To learn more about the areas of law we handle, click on the appropriate link below, complete the “Request for Consultation” form or simply Contact Us!

Goodin Abernathy LLP: Where to turn for sound advice and solid representation. Get advice. Get GA.