WORK ACCIDENTS: Indiana Worker’s Compensation Law


Were you injured at work? Do your injuries need medical treatment and prevent you from working? Well that’s a really stressful time and that’s where Goodin Abernathy attorneys shine. We understand the pressure that missing work puts on you and your family. Indiana law says your employer owes you basic benefits if you’re hurt on the job. The idea is to keep it simple for the Hoosier worker.

But worker’s compensation law can be confusing. When you’re off work, how do they calculate the amount of weekly payments they owe? When do the payments start and stop? What about the medical treatment – who is going to pay for that?

Where do you start trying to figure all this out? Well try starting with us, the Goodin Abernathy law firm.

Yes, Indiana Worker’s Compensation Law is supposed to be easy for an injured worker to understand. But employers usually have sophisticated insurance companies that are trained to handle these claims. Those companies do not always share your same recovery interests. So that’s where Goodin Abernathy comes in.

Call or e-mail us for information. We’ll explain the core benefits that employers owe their injured workers and the process for collecting them. If you need legal help, we’ll explain why and describe what we can do for you.

We can’t help everybody that calls. But if we take you on as a client, you’ll be more than just a file number in our firm. We’ll advocate for you and make sure that you are collecting the legal benefits you’re owed.

Click below to learn what happens if you’re hurt at work. Put Goodin Abernathy’s attorneys to work for you when you can’t get to the job.


301 E. 38th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46205