The Coronavirus is disrupting medical care and our legal process. Goodin Abernathy is using the special powers granted by Governor Holcomb and the Indiana Supreme Court to assist our clients with Health Care Powers of Attorney and General Powers of Attorney documents for our Indiana clients. Since many nursing homes and hospitals prohibit visitors, the Goodin Abernathy LLP lawyers are working around those obstacles. Goodin Abernathy prepares the documents for signature using the phone, internet and text messaging with same-day service.

Online vendors offering boiler plate legal documents typically want consumers to buy subscriptions – but not at Goodin Abernathy. To us, you aren’t a consumer, you’re a client.

If your relative, loved one or friend is sequestered or quarantined, our personal service allows them to stay in place: they do not need to leave their homes or facilities. Goodin Abernathy lawyers will transmit the documents electronically and guide you through obtaining signatures in front of a notary public. Some facilities have notary public services available on site; however, if not, our staff can authorize the signatures under Indiana’s new “remote notary” plan. Using video conferencing, Indiana is allowing notaries the option of electronically witnessing signatures. Indiana’s Supreme Court Order No. 20S-MS-236 allows notaries and other persons qualified to administer an oath in the State of Indiana and swear a witness remotely by audio-video communication technology, provided they can positively identify the witness.

Estate Planning Documents Our GA Lawyers Will Prepare Remotely

Health Care Power of Attorney

If you become incapacitated mentally or physically, this document identifies a person you grant legal authority for making your health care decisions.

Living Will

If you become incapacitated, this document gives your medical care providers, loved ones and appointed Health Care Representative directions about the treatment you want. The Living Will is sometime referred to as an “Advanced Directive” or “Right-to-Die” form. Some people may not want heroic life-saving resuscitation if they are gravely ill.

General Power of Attorney or Durable Power of Attorney

If you become incapacitated, your elected representative assumes authority to make decisions and take financial action on your behalf. This could include signing checks to pay regular bills. It could also mean selling or transferring important property like your home or auto.

At Goodin Abernathy, we strive to provide:

1) Personal service with explanations of the documents you need
2) Set pricing
3) A fast response
4) Coaching for electronically transferring and signing the documents, and
5) Remote Notary service, if needed

Call us now for more information about your specific situation. We look forward to helping you!