Indianapolis Business Journal reporter, Dan Human, recently penned the article, “Explanations Vary for Dearth of Women in Top Rungs of Business.”  Many explanations for the lack of top leadership roles held by women in Indiana businesses, as well as the disparity in income levels between men and women are proffered.  However, Human writes that despite a glaring gap of women in the tops spots of business, “Experts mostly brush off discrimination as an explanation for the pay gap.”

Nevertheless, discrimination may be playing a role in a company’s decision to pass over an otherwise qualified female candidate for a similarly qualified male.  Like any prejudice, there are deep-rooted misconceptions and stereotypes that creep in to the decision-making process.  Traditionally, women have had to choose between their careers and their families, but why?  And is it fair?  If your work environment feels like an old boys club, then it probably is.  Proving discrimination, on the other hand, can be a very difficult task.  Particularly if your employer is seeking skilled legal counsel when making decisions regarding the promotion or termination of employees.  However, your claim can change behaviors in the future bringing greater equality in the workplace.

If you think you may have been the victim of gender discrimination, I would encourage you to talk to an attorney and find out about your rights, as well as the obligations of your employer.