Injured or Abused While Incarcerated – Do I Have A Case?

Jail and Prison Claims: Do you have any rights if you suffer injuries or abuse while incarcerated?

Every week we receive calls or letters from inmates and their loved ones concerning incidents in jails and prisons.  These range from injuries suffered at the hands of other inmates to injuries suffered at the hand of correctional officers.  Other inquiries concern inmates failing to receive timely and appropriate medical care.  Sadly, we occasionally learn of inmates that committed suicide who were not properly screened and monitored for suicide risks.

Do you or a loved one have a claim?  If so, there are important things you should consider. 

  • In Indiana there are strict time lines to notifying jail and prison officials of your potential claim.
  • Jails and prisons have a “grievance” process which you should utilize to hopefully resolve the issue.
  • These cases involve both federal civil rights and state law claims.
  • Frequently, there are “caps” limiting the amount of damages which can be recovered.
  • Finally, there may be third parties (someone other than the jail of prison officials) who bear responsibility. These may be outside medical providers, transportation companies or even privately operated prisons.

If you believe you or a loved one may have a claim, please click below to make an inquiry or call me to discuss.  I’m Jon Abernathy- and I’m experienced in handling these legal claims- so call me for a free, easy consultation.

301 E. 38th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46205