Headsets and Personal Injury

Smartphones and media players are convenient ways for people to listen to music or talk with friends while on the go.   However, if earbuds or other headsets that prevent sound from entering the ear are used, the music and conversation can be the cause of personal injury.

Currently, state laws are all over the place regarding the use of headsets while driving.  (See AAA’s Digest of Motor Laws, available at drivinglaws.aaa.com/laws/headsets/).  However, just because it is not illegal, this does not mean it is safe.

Anytime a person’s senses, whether it is sight or sound, are distracted from paying attention to road conditions, on-coming traffic, sirens of emergency vehicles, or children playing, there is additional risk to the motorist, bicyclist or walker.  When earbuds or headsets that almost or completely drown out other sounds are used, there is no way for a person to hear anything that would alert them to these conditions.

At Goodin Abernathy, we want you to enjoy music and talking with your friends, but we want you to do so safely.