Were you in a car accident and have legal questions?  Make things simple by contacting the Goodin Abernathy LLP law firm.  We have a Spanish speaking team, too, who focuses on representing Hispanic clients suffering physical injuries in motor vehicle accidents.  Put us on your side for recovering the maximum damages the law allows for personal injuries.  We offer free, in-person legal consultations.  When we take your case, our attorneys only charge for services when we win and actually collect money. 

Auto accidents may include criminal acts.  But when you need to recover your own damages, the process is considered a civil law claim for negligence.  Sometimes our clients are concerned about making legal claims because they are undocumented immigrants.  Do not let this stand in your way because Indiana allows all accident victims the right to legal access – no matter what their immigration status is.  You really should not be concerned about encountering immigration problems for making a negligence claim.  Our legal team will guide you through the process and protect your rights without concern for being deported or harassed due to your immigration status. 

Now let’s start by reviewing basic topics our clients must deal with after an auto accident.  At the scene, police often give our clients a slip of paper with the “accident number.” Although helpful, this is not the report we need.  Using your information, we access an internet portal that law enforcement uses for publishing the auto accident reports.  Police post their Indiana crash reports on BuyCrash.com and charge Twelve Dollars ($12.00) to download and print it.  https://buycrash.lexisnexisrisk.com/ui/home The police report will supply us with the basic information needed to identify the at-fault driver.  The crash report also describes the investigation results and identifies potential witnesses. 

 If your car was disabled and not drivable after the accident, it was probably towed to a salvage lot.  We recommend addressing this immediately because each day your vehicle sits in the tow yard, they charge you around Thirty-Five Dollars ($35.00) per day.  Before you can get your car out of the lot, you must pay them for the towing service and the daily rate.  If you do not have auto insurance to pay for these costs, the price can quickly jump above an amount you can pay.  Then, if you do not pay the removal fee, the tow yard will sell your car for salvage.  You will not have a chance to fix the car, sell it or maybe even recover your personal possessions.  Our legal team counsels our clients with tips for negotiating with the salvage yards to pay less and collect your vehicle.  Contact us with questions before paying full price at the salvage yard. 

Many people are physically injured in car accidents.  Maybe you visited the emergency room for medical treatment and have questions about the bills.  Or, after the accident your injuries worsened and now you want to visit your family doctor or a specialist.  Attorneys are not medical doctors but we can describe how clients typically search for physical relief from pain.  Often we find our clients are confused about where to go for medical treatment.  The obvious response is 1) if the pain is excruciating, visit the emergency room and 2) if the pain is tolerable, consider contacting your regular primary care doctor.  Of course, there are more medical treatment options that we can discuss for choosing the best path for your recovery.

We know the medical treatment is not free and you want to know who pays the costs.  GA’s legal team will explain how the law applies to this important question and show you how we step in to work with the medical billing departments.  For instance, you want to know if the at fault driver’s insurance company will pay each bill.  When will they pay the medical bills?  Under Indiana’s negligence law, the process typically does not require a responsible driver or their insurance to pay for medical costs as you treat.  Instead, they pay when you are finished with medical treatment.  Even if it is an option, rarely is it a good idea to settle parts of a claim as it goes along.  It is typical to settle the whole case once you finish medical treatment and know what all your damages are.  Unfortunately, we know the bill collectors do not want to wait and they put pressure on you and your family.  Call Goodin Abernathy, and we will step in to handle the bills and relieve you from the immediate financial pressure. 

Another option for handling medical bills can include using your own auto or health insurance.  If you have the right auto insurance coverage, you may be able to use your own policy to help pay bills.  This coverage is typically called Medical Payments or “Medpay”.  GA’s Indy legal team will review your own insurance to identify if you have this option.  You may also use your own health insurance to cover medical bills for treating your injuries.  We will explain how the health insurance company then has a legal and financial interest in collecting their payments from the responsible driver.  If you do not have health insurance, Legalmente Hablando Indy is familiar with various hospitals and medical doctors that use payment systems you can take advantage of for continued medical treatment.  For instance, Eskenazi Hospital in Indianapolis offers applications for the popular “Advantage Plan.” Patients work with financial counselors to qualify for assistance under the plan. https://www.eskenazihealth.edu/programs/financial-counseling

When you miss time at work due to an injury, you likely lose income and we understand this is very stressful. Goodin Abernathy’s legal team will explain how Indiana law applies to this part of your damages.  The law for accident victims allows them to claim lost income for damages in their case against the responsible driver.  We describe how this is calculated and inform you about what to expect for a lost wages claim.   

Another initial concern includes how to deal with the insurance companies.  Understandably, our clients visit us because they are concerned about how the negligent driver’s insurance company is treating them.  Clients want to know the law and make sure they are being treated fairly.  This is where an attorney at Goodin Abernathy helps.  Remember, insurance representatives are trained and experienced with handling claims to save their companies money.  Insurance companies are in business to make money – not pay it out.  This is why you need professional legal help.  Our experienced team will represent you and fight for your legal rights.  Choose to have an attorney on your side (and if necessary, that speaks Spanish), cares about your recovery and is experienced with challenging insurance companies to win the best recovery for your case. 

Our attorneys handle personal injuries on a contingency fee basis.  You only pay for legal fees when we win and collect money.  There are no up-front fees that you pay to open a case with our law firm.  Legalmente Hablando Indy enjoys supporting Indiana’s Hispanic community with quality legal services.  Our contingency fee rates are typically less than big advertising law firms.  Instead of trying to pay the cost of marketing, we save our clients money  and provide excellent legal services.  Our initial consultations are free.  We will sit with you, review your photos, accident reports and medical treatment.  If you are in the hospital or unable to travel, we can visit your location or set up a video conference.  Contact Goodin Abernathy’s legal team to schedule an appointment today!